Our company has a new requirement involving a series of data analyses followed by a summary of conclusions using OpenAI. However, the colleague...
3 methods to stream response In fact, to achieve the Streaming effect, you can use three methods: Server Sent Event (SSE) => This is the method...
In a previous article, I detailed the process of utilizing GitHub Actions and AWS CDK to deploy Python code to AWS Lambda, including the setup of...
今天幫忙同事研究怎麼把 python 的 code 部署到 AWS Lambda,但是必須透過 Github Action 進行部署。自己本身不太熟 python,所以搞了一個下午Q"Q不過還好是搞成功了~~ 這是最後完成的 example repo,有需要的人可以直接複製,接著照我 README...
一直用 UPDATE 不斷失敗 本來想說跟批量插入的寫法差不多,但一直試都不行 const params = [ ['PROCESSING', '111'], ['PENDING', '222'] ] const sql = 'UPDATE dashboards SET status =...
批量插入會 rollback 回滾 如果批量插入 100 筆資料,其中一筆有問題的話,其他筆的資料也會回滾,所以結果就是就是 100 筆通通成功,或者 100 筆都不成功。 批量插入的效能比較好 我是參考這三個文章: MySQL 批量插入数据,一次插入多少行数据效率最高? Which is...